Published 11 months ago in Other

Godswill- Emmanuel Prod. By Michael Bassey.mp3

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2 corinthians 8-9; For ye know the grace of our lord Jesus christ, that though he was rich yet for your sake he became poor, that ye through his poverty might be rich ?

" This song is an expression of christ deep Love towards us; even in our ignorant he still choose to keep our inheritance with him and wait for us to inherit them by doing the right thing ..."

?? In all this Emmanuel is with us in all ??...


Let the weak say i am strong
Let the poor say i am rich
And let the broken heart receive peace; for what the lord as done Emmanuel

You became weak so that i can live
You gave your life so that i can be made right with you
? what kind of love ? is this my God o..h Emmanuel.

Chorus: Emmanuel 4 time's

In that while we are sinners you came and die for me oh; for their is now no condemnation for does who believe in you oh; for at yet Jesus you still show me love .

Emmanuel repeatedly as much as possible.

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